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From 6 to 7 October 2023 we will be present at the 52nd edition of the National Congress of Spanish Podiatry to be held in Barcelona.

This congress will be an opportunity to disseminate 

During the most important meeting in this sector, we will have the opportunity to share with you our online 3D modeling smart solution that allows you to create customized orthotic insoles.

Every year for this event many podiatrists and podiatry students gather, both from Spain and from all over the world, to observe the latest progress in podiatry. This year there are about 2,000 podiatrists among experts and companies in the sector.

During the event, within this vast environment, we will have the opportunity to share with you our online 3D modeling smart solution that allows you to create customized orthotic insoles.

You can find us at booth number 26, where you can try our orthoses for yourself and have the opportunity to see the latest news.

We are waiting for you.